
The work of the Volunteers is a key point for the non-profit Organizations, especially for their relations with the society to which its social aims are devoted.

The eBible Foundation wants to give proposals for a world society who lives, values, socializes and constructs their identity around the Bible. There is a Biblical culture that the society has been constructing along years even centuries.

However, this centennial culture must be updated through the new digital technologies of communication, which are very familiar for the nowadays citizens.

That’s why the FDB needs the collaboration of people, so that we can together study, research and spread the contact with the Bible. We have to be aware that a work together will transform and develop our societies through the values that the Bible proposes. Therefore, the FDB has constituted the section of eBible Volunteers for the fulfillment of these mentioned social aims.

The FDB conceives its volunteers programs as a social initiative of non-profit nature, legally constituted, and with the following social aim: promoting and updating the values of the Bible in order to transform our societies. This Volunteers Programs is carried out in the digital field and in the new technologies of communication.

The aim consists on gathering as many volunteers as possible using the possibilities of communication in Internet.

The eBible Volunteers use their time, their knowledge, their enthusiasm and their solidarity through the use of new technologies in the platform of Internet, so that they spread the Bible, the eBible and its values in the context of the new technologies.

El voluntariado de la FDB se encuentra inscrito en el registro de "Entidades de Voluntariado de Galicia de la Xunta de Galicia con el nº O-773".

If you are interested in becoming an eBible Volunteer, you can download these PDFs with information and the application:

  • REGLAMENTOS PARA EL VOLUNTARIADO EBIBLE: Es importante que leas todos los reglamentos del voluntariado para saber como has de rellenar el "formulario de solicitud" de la misma.
  • FORMULARIO DE SOLICITUD: Una vez descargues el formulario (PDF) deberás de cubrir el mismo desde tu PC. Cuando termines de rellenarlo haces click en Guardar. Y nos lo envías junto a fotocopia de tu DNI, Pasaporte u otro tipo de documento legal de identificación. Si eres menor de edad deberás de enviar tu documento de identificación junto al de un tutor legal. Todo ello ha de ser enviado vía email a: info@fdbible.org
LEER ATENTAMENTE IMPORTANTE!: Todo formulario que recibamos y no esté acompañado por la documentación obligatoria será anulado.
Y no olvides enviar un email adjuntando el formulario rellenado junto a su documentación a: info@fdbible.org .